The way the course works is outlined below (make sure to save this important piece of information in your commonplace):
Every 2nd Sunday you receive private Dropbox links to 1-3 course videos and a PDF document for each video that includes an outline of the video together with homework assignments.
The first send out will be shortly after you sign up (max 2 days).
The quantity of videos differs each time because it depends on the length of each video (some weeks you will receive 1 long video and other weeks you will receive 2-3 shorter ones).
For example, if you get 1 video, it’s usually a video that’s longer (+9 minutes in length), whereas if you get 3 videos it’s usually shorter videos that are less than 4 minutes.
You can see a sequence of when each video will be sent below:
Sendout 1:
After you watch the video and read through the PDF, we want you to complete the homework.
Be sure to keep your answers short and on to the point — first write it out and then edit the text. (This helps you think in a more clear and structured way).
At the end of the course you can sign all your completed homework assignments to our email TheFutureSkillsProgram [at]
Also, there’s a risk that our email addresses get marked as spam by popular providers such as Yahoo and Google and thereby don’t even get delivered.
To prevent the deliverability issue, you need to add our sendout email address to your contact list inside your email (and if needed, move our emails from the spam or junk folder to your main one):
Here’s the email address we send the videos from: [email protected]
All the best,
Mikael, Ludvig & Oskar